The Crater Lake Monster

Intro: This is a series on old dinosaur movies. Specifically, I am looking at anything released before 1990; before Jurassic Park revolutionized cinema with its CGI animation. I will not be covering anything "dinosaur-adjacent", such as kaiju monsters like Godzilla or the creature from The Giant Behemoth, which are perhaps inspired by dinosaurs, but clearly not meant to represent any real world genus. I will also be skipping over films that are heavily dependent on "borrowed" footage from other films, such as the Valley of the Dragons / Prehistoric Valley. Also known as: Runtime: 1 hr 25 minutes Background: The Crater Lake Monster is a 1977 film produced by Crown International Pictures. It was produced as a throwback to 1950s monster films and initially featured Bigfoot. This was changed to a prehistoric creature after a series of similar films featuring the hairy humanoid released around that time. According to the writers and directors, William R. St...