Tacoma Review: Living to Work

A space contractor named Amy is sent to investigate the abandoned space station Tacoma in the year 2088. Her job is to recover data while investigating what led to the crew's departure. Amy is able to retrace the crew's conversations with help from some futuristic space technology, ranging anywhere from 3 days ago to 10 hours ago. Tacoma is a contained story told from multiple perspectives. Most of the information about the small crew of the Tacoma station and their relationships with each other are filled in gradually and indirectly. The player wanders around the station, listening to recordings or digging through personal belongings, trying to piece together what happened before they arrived at the station. At the same time the player must also piece together who Amy is and her true purpose at the station. The developers did a great job of making the station feel lived in, of making you want to explore every nook and cranny to find out as much info as you can because the st...