Gris Review: Giving Voice To Despair

Story A girl awakens in the palm of a crumbling statue. After dropping to the colorless land below the girl begins walking forward, collecting stars as she goes. The stars she collects open new pathways in the form of constellations and restore color to her world. Gris' nearly non-existent narrative is expressed with no text or spoken language, relying instead on its gorgeous watercolor art style and allegory to tell a tale. For example, the different color stages of the protagonist's journey are a metaphor for the stages of grief: Denial: The loss of color at the beginning and the girl's inability to speak. Anger: The red sands and harsh winds of the first chapter. Bargaining: The green vegetation and apple barter in the second chapter. Depression: The blue waters and deep caves of the third chapter. Acceptance: The yellow lights and return of the girl's voice in the final chapter. Throughout her journey the girl's inner demons take physical form, man...