Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - A Stroke of Bardic Inspiration

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is a 2023 American live action film based on the Forgotten Realms setting of the tabletop role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons. It has no connection to the previous D&D film trilogy consisting of D&D 2000, Wrath of the Dragon God, and The Book of Vile Darkness. In 2013 Warner Bros. Pictures teamed up with Sweetpea Entertainment, who had worked on the 2000 film, to produce a script for a new Dungeons & Dragons movie. The project was held up for two years by a lawsuit over who possessed the film rights to D&D - Hasbro or Sweetpea. Hasbro argued that the rights had reverted back to them because Sweetpea had not made a movie based on D&D since 2000, and the the TV films ( Wrath of the Dragon God and The Book of Vile Darkness ) did not constitute proper sequels. In 2015 the two companies settled the case with an undisclosed arrangement. The project then shifted from Warner Bros. to Paramount Pictures sometime a...