N.E.R.O. Review: Skin Deep

A father and his son go for a walk. As you walk or solve puzzles, a narrator recounts stories plastered across the world in glowing letters.

I think they were meant to covey some deeper meaning about the boy and his family, but the stories were so disjointed and cryptic that I honestly couldn't tell what they were trying to get across to the player.

The cutscenes always make the game world look better than it is.


The entirety of the game is spent treading a linear path through a dark world of glowing plants and text. And to be honest, I thought the glowing designs looked gaudy outside of cut-scenes. The few cutscenes that exist in the game featured lusher environments with better lighting than the one the player gets to explore. The walking pace was also frustratingly slow. So much so, that I had to "run" throughout the entire game, and even then it was more like a crawl than a 'run'. The walk/run pace easily doubles or triples the play time which makes me think this was a deliberate decision on the part of the developers to pad out the length of the game.


The design decisions in NERO were vexing to me. It ushered me along at an absurdly slow walking pace from one seemingly random location to the next. The glowing world looked tacky, the puzzles weren't difficult, and the story pieces lacked cohesion. It was a hollow experience that left me feeling like I had wasted my time.

First posted to videogamegeek.com



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