The Legend of Vox Machina: Season 2

The Legend of Vox Machina is an adult animated series based on campaign 1 of the Dungeons & Dragons web series Critical Role. Critical Role is a group of professional voice actors that get together to play D&D 5th edition. The cast own the intellectual property and have already produced a number of licensed works based on the show. A single Critical Role campaign will consist of a series of story arcs, played over multiple sessions. Between or sometimes within the major story arcs, the characters rest, resupply, or go on side quests. While each campaign centers on a different party of adventurers, the campaigns are all set on the various continents of Exandria, a world of Matt Mercer's creation.

Campaign 1 ran from March 2015 to October 2017; totaling 115 episodes with an average runtime of 3 to 5 hours per episode. It follows the adventures of the Vox Machina party and is set primarily on the continent of Tal'Dorei in locations such as the metropolis of Emon and the city-state of Whitestone. The Critical Role cast reprise their characters for the show, which consists of 12 (24–28 minute long) episodes.


Episode 01: Rise of the Chroma Conclave

Four ancient dragons assault the city of Emon. A green dragon called "Raishan the Diseased Deceiver" kills Uriel with her poison breath while a black dragon named "Umbrasyl the Hope Devourer" pours acid rain from the sky, proclaiming that "Thordak the Cinder King" has come to claim the city. After thoroughly demolishing the palace, the red dragon known as Thordak names himself the new ruler of Emon. The Vox Machina party tries fleeing to Gilmore's Glorious Goods store but arrives in time to see it collapse, and as they do so, Raishan recognizes Keyleth (half-elven druid) as the "intruder" from Brimscythe's lair.

Grog (goliath barbarian) manages to pull the wounded Gilmore from the rubble, and after some healing from Pike (gnome cleric of Sarenrae), Gilmore instructs the party to loot what is left of his shop. They then teleport to Grayskull Keep, where Grog arms himself with Craven Edge - Sylas' obsidian blade, but Percy de Rolo (human gunslinger) insists Grayskull isn't safe and they should instead travel to Whitestone. Keyleth openly frets over the possibility of the attack on the city being retaliation for killing the blue dragon Brimscythe. However, Gilmore is more concerned with why five chromatic dragons - mortal enemies of each other, would ever team up in the first place.

Refugees seeking shelter behind Grayskull's walls are attacked by the white dragon "Vorugal the Frigid Doom", forcing Keyleth to quickly open a tree portal to Whitestone and rush as many people through as possible. In Whitestone, the party discusses their situation: Emon had the largest army, and Brimscythe was half the size of the newly arrived dragons. Keyleth suggests seeking help from her people - the Ashari, but Keeper Yennen recommends traveling to Vasselheim instead, because it is the oldest and most defensible city.

Episode 02: The Trials of Vasselheim

Vox Machina tree travels to Vasselheim and seeks an audience with the Dawn Marshals - the closet thing to leaders the city has. The Dawn Marshals confirm the party's story through water scrying and offer their sympathies but nothing else, claiming Vasselheim's greatest weapon to be its isolation. However, a man catches up to the group and advises them to seek out the Slayer's Take guild. Vex (half-elven rogue) and her brother Vax (half-elven rogue) are immediately recognized by the Slayer's Take guild member Kashaw Vesh (human cleric, and a Critical Role guest character) from their wanted posters. His fellow guild member, Zahra Hydris (tiefling warlock - another guest character) also remains bitter toward Vex for stealing a kill from the guild. The guild members are forced to stand down, however, by their patron Osysa - a sphinx who demands an audience with Vox Machina.

After testing the party's weaknesses, Osysa reveals the location of one of the "Vestiges of Divergence" - a special weapon capable of destroying Gods. Once found, Osysa instructs the group to bring the weapon to her mate.

The party meets up with Grog, who had wandered off to spar with a monk called Earthbreaker Groon, and Percy stops by a shop selling black powder, where he learns from the proprietor, Victor, that a one-armed woman recently made a large purchase.

Episode 03: The Sunken Tomb

The party approaches a frozen lake said to hold the weapon, but unsure of how to proceed, Scanlan (gnome bard) skates around the surface, drawing the attention of Adaro (fish people). Zahra and Kashaw arrive in time to save Scanlan, and later that evening, while making camp, they inform the group that the tomb they are seeking was built for the Goddess of Death - the Raven Queen.

In the morning, Zahra and Keyleth use their combined abilities to part the water to the hidden crypt, and while battling their way through traps and Adaro, Pike notices something off about Grog's bloodlust but isn't sure what it could mean. Meanwhile, Zahra and Kashaw use the distraction to give the group the slip in order to claim the Vestige for themselves.

Using the Belt of Dwarvenkind pilfered from Gilmore's shop, Grog grows a beard - something Goliaths normally can't do.

Vax proceeds to inspect the rooms for traps, locating a hole in the floor. Percy also finds a tile out of place and when corrected reveals a sarcophagus. Believing it to be the tomb of Purvan Suul - the Queen's champion, Percy and Vex open the casket together, triggering a necrotic trap that saps the life from Vex's body.

Episode 04: Those Who Walk Away

A flashback of Vex and Vax as children mercy killing a wounded bear and adopting its cub - Trinket, cuts back to the Raven Queen's temple, where Zahra and Kashaw have returned and discovered the fallen Vex. Kashaw attempts a revival ritual, noting how it must be done while the body is still warm, and even then, is very difficult to pull off. But because they are in the Raven Queen's temple, where their Gods have no power, the ritual automatically fails. Vax watches in a state of shock as a dark figure with a pale, expressionless face emerges from the shadows and approaches Vex. He shouts for the figure to take him instead and watches as it cuts a golden thread. Vex gasps for breath again, and Vax finds himself in the "Deathwalker's Ward" - the armor vestige of the Raven Queen.

In an attempt to claim the vestige for the Guild, Zahra summons a tentacled-monster that petrifies everyone in the room except for Vax and Kashaw. Using his new abilities, Vax defeats the creature while Kashaw revives everyone. Back on the surface, Percy apologies to Vax for acting recklessly and getting his sister killed. Zahra also apologizes to the group and gifts Vex an amulet that she can use to temporarily trap a single creature in a pocket dimension. Vex uses it on Trinket to make travel more convenient, and a vision from the Raven Queen points the group in the direction of Osysa's mate.

Episode 05: Pass Through Fire

While messing around with a broom looted from Gilmore's, Vex discovers the password - Volantire, that enables the broom to fly. Scanlan uses the broom to scout and notices a volcano erupting in the distance, which Keyleth claims should still be dormant. Fearing for the safety of the fire Ashari, Vox Machina makes a detour to Pyrah, where they meet up with Lady Kima and Allura. Allura explains that they had originally sealed Thordak in the volcano using a "soul anchor" - a heart crystal salvaged from a primordial fire titan. But now that he is loose the rift in Pyrah has opened.

At the tabletop game, Vex stole the flying broom from Gern Blanston (dragonborn necromancer and a guest character). The volcano was also visited before Emon fell; with the party rolling well enough to unknowingly dodge an encounter with Thordak.

Keyleth works alongside her dad Korrin to seal the rift, and in the process learns how to shapeshift into a fire elemental. The headmaster of the Fire Ashari, Cerkonos, gives his blessing to Keyleth as part of her Aramente - a journey to mastering the elements. Before departing, Cerkonos warns Keyleth that Thordak escaped with help from someone posing as one of their own.

"Flame cannot live without air. And we are Air Ashari, are we not? We were made to pass through fire." -Vilya (Keyleth's mother)

Episode 06: Into Rimecleft

The party arrives at the lair of Osysa's mate, Kamaljiori. Each of them is given one chance to wound Kamaljiori, who claims to have never felt pain. Keyleth, Vex, Vax, Percy, Pike, and Grog are tossed into an endless abyss upon failing. Instead of facing the sphinx directly in battle as the others had done, Scanlan plays a love song about Osysa that wounds Kamaljiori emotionally. Kamaljiori declares Scanlan victorious and the two have a heart-to-heart conversation about love, where Scanlan admits to wanting it but never truly having found it. The party is then gifted the vestige "Mythcarver" - a sword that reveals the names and locations of the other Vestiges.

"In my millennia of existence, this is the wisest sage I've ever known." -Kamaljiori (about Scanlan)

Umbrasyl smashes into Kamaljiori's lair, shouting that "the woman was right". Kamaljiori engages the dragon in battle while Vox Machina prepares to leave via teleportation. The sphinx is slain by Umbrasyl, and enthralled by the bloodshed, Craven Edge takes over Grog. In his frenzied state, Grog stabs Pike, but comes out of it in time to reach the teleportation sigil.

Episode 07: The Fey Realm

Keyleth, Vex, Vax, and Percy land in the fey realm, which turns out to be curiously hostile to Vax, presumably because of his allegiance to the Matron of Ravens. A battle with a giant slime ensues during which Keyleth and Vex inhale spores and hallucinate. Vax lures the creature to water, where Percy finishes it off by using his gauntlet, Diplomacy, to electrocute it. A faun named Garmelie, having been thoroughly entertained by their antics, offers to guide them to the vestige. They arrive at the elven city of Syngorn, which Garmelie informs the group they will need to pass through to reach the Shademurk Bog.

Grog, Scanlan and Pike remain in Tal'Dorei. Pike heals herself and Grog snaps Craven Edge in half in order to be rid of its influence. In a final act of retaliation, Craven Edge saps Grog's physical strength before shattering, leaving Grog so weak that he can barely stand.

Originally the entire group had stayed together and Craven Edge was tossed into another plane.

Episode 08: Echo Tree

Vex and Vax meet up with their father Syldor Vessar and his wife Devana Vessar, and learn that they now have a half-sister named Velora Vessar. Syldor grants the group safe passage, however, Percy notices that Syldor is embarrassed of his half-human children and dismissive of their exploits. To insult Syldor, Percy requests that he "correct" the decree to reflect Lady Vex'ahlia's title as Baroness of the First House of Whitestone and Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt. Syldor refuses and requests that they never bother him again.

Vex and Vax maintain a friendly relationship with their elven half-sister. At the table game, Velora learned some troubling 'new words' from Scanlan.

In the Shademurk, Vex'ahlia is temporarily swayed by an archfey prince called Saundor, who in exchange for her heart, promises her the vestige Fenthras to win her father's favor. However, Vex sees through Saundor's words and kills him with an arrow Percy had gifted to her earlier that day. She takes the bow Fenthras for herself and the group returns to Tal'Dorei through a portal opened by Garmelie.

Meanwhile, Grog is taken to Pike's great-great-grandfather Wilhand Trickfoot for treatment. When they fail to make progress, Pike suggests they head to Westruun to retrieve a vestige.

Episode 09: A Test of Pride

A herd of Goliath's - Grog's former family, has taken over Westruun and the vestige sought by the trio is in the possession of Grog's uncle Kevdak. Grog recounts his time in the herd and admits to having done things that Pike would hate him for. The herd wanted to kill Wilhand many years ago, but Grog tried to defend the old man and was beaten and left for dead by his family. Wilhand came back with Pike though, and saved Grog's life.

Scanlan scouts the area as a dragonfly, watching the Goliath's collect tribute for Umbrasyl. Grog's cousin Zanror expresses dissatisfaction with his father Kevdak for bowing to a dragon instead of asserting his dominance over it and is punished for speaking out. Scanlan hides in a dilapidated building as soon as his spell wears off, running into refugees and performers known as Dr. Dranzel's Spectacular Traveling Troupe. A gnome with the group, named Kaylie, convinces Scanlan to help them.

Episode 10: The Killbox

Keyleth, Percy, Vex and Vax return to Whitestone to find it covered in a cloaking barrier maintained by Gilmore. They also discover that three weeks have passed even though they only spent three days in the Fey Realm. Lady Kima and Allura manage to locate Grog in Westruun, challenging Kevdak to single combat. Grog is impaled and Pike is discovered by the Goliaths. When Kevdak threatens to crush Pike, Grog thinks back to his duel with Earthbreaker Groon in Vasselheim and enters into a rage, gaining back his strength. In response, Kevdak uses the Titanstone Knuckles vestige to double his size. Vox Machina arrives to battle the Herd while Grog duels Kevdak. Using Kevdak's axe, Grog manages to sever his right arm. Vex then uses her necklace to trap Grog and riding the flying broom, releases him in the air to fall down onto Kevdak. Kevdak is sliced in two with the axe, allowing Grog to take the vestige for himself.

Grog names Zanror the new Herd leader and the group celebrates that night while discussing plans to take down Umbrasyl. Scanlan and Kaylie perform for the crowd then retire together for the night.

"You always had a soft spot for the wee folk." -Kevdak

Episode 11: Belly of the Beast

Kaylie confronts Scanlan, revealing she is the daughter of Sybil, a woman he slept with many years ago and abandoned. Kaylie's mother had to raise her on her own and take on multiple jobs to get by. Scanlan apologizes, explaining how he had no idea she existed and offers to try and be a dad now, but Kaylie walks away.

Vax visits a temple of the Raven Queen where she asks him to shepherd the departed souls to their next life in the ever after. Feeling at ease about his future, Vax assists the party in setting a trap for Umbrasyl. However, the dragon sees through their trap and tries to fly away. Vax and Scanlan fly up the dragon's rear to set a magical blade (one Kaylie left behind) that holds a target in place. Umbrasyl tears through the blade, so Grog hastily attaches a grappling hook to the beast's back.

"There is much to fear, but not death. For it gives meaning to life." -Raven Queen

Episode 12: The Hope Devourer

Keyleth transforms into a giant eagle to transport Pike and Percy, while Vex rides the flying broom. Grog is knocked off the dragon and badly injured, but Keyleth, Vex, Pike and Percy manage to catch up and stabilize him. Meanwhile, Vax and Scanlan (still trapped inside the dragon) cram through the tear made by the sword to escape the dragon's acidic interior, and the Raven Queen gifts Vax a set of wings to get him and Scanlan to the ground with the rest of the party.

Percy spots the dragon returning to its lair through his scope, and when Vax fails to return from scouting, the party rushes in to save him. Exhausted from the day, a seemingly defeated Vox Machina distracts Umbrasyl long enough for Scanlan to sneak up and stab Mythcarver through the dragon's eye.

On their return to Whitestone, the party is approached by the green dragon Raishan disguised as Keeper Yennen. Raishan offers an alliance, explaining that she has no love or loyalty to Thordak and hints at him being after more than just conquest.


Season 2 picks up exactly where the previous one left off and is a solid viewing overall. There is more inter-party conflict, more power and danger, and an overarching storyline with multiple side quests and antagonists. Where season 1 was very Percy-centric, this season digs deeper into the rest of the cast; Vex & Vax dealing with insecurity and approval. Grog with power and weakness. Scanlan with genuine love and family. It all ties in really well with the over-arching themes of facing the past to be better equipped to deal with the present.

The pacing can be a little fast at times, but considering they had to cram 200 to 300 hours of table play into 10 hours of animation, that was going to be inevitable. Likewise, a lot of changes were made this season from the tabletop game, but they were all clearly made in service to the narrative. At the table it can be hard to plan for some player actions and randomness, so the show adjusted minor details like who killed what and the sequence of events in order to have cleaner character arcs and a more focused story. In the campaign for example, Vox Machina had to guess Kamaljiori's name, which would have worked just fine in the show, but having Scanlan play his song instead was so much better emotionally and highlighted Scanlan's wisdom - something that will become important later in the adventure.

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