The Legend of Vox Machina - Season 1:


The Legend of Vox Machina is an adult animated series (partially funded via Kickstarter) based on campaign 1 of the Dungeons & Dragons web series Critical Role. Critical Role is a group of professional voice actors that get together to play D&D 5th edition. The cast own the intellectual property and have already produced a number of licensed works based on the show. A single Critical Role campaign will consist of a series of story arcs, played over multiple sessions. Between—or sometimes within—the major story arcs, the characters rest, resupply, or go on side quests. While each campaign centers on a different party of adventurers, the campaigns are all set on the various continents of Exandria, a world of Matt Mercer's creation.

Campaign 1 ran from March 2015 to October 2017; totaling 115 episodes with an average runtime of 3 to 5 hours per episode. It follows the adventures of the Vox Machina party and is set primarily on the continent of Tal'Dorei in locations such as the metropolis of Emon and the city-state of Whitestone. The Critical Role cast reprise their characters for the show, which consists of 12 (24–28 minute long) episodes.



Episode 01: The Terror of Tal'Dorei, Part 1

The Vox Machina party is introduced through a tavern brawl with a rival mercenary group. Percy de Rolo is the human gunslinger - a custom fighter class developed for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition when the Critical Role group converted from Pathfinder. Grog is a goliath barbarian of low intelligence, but has a heart as big as he is. Scanlan is a lusty gnome bard with a crush on Pike, a gnome cleric of Sarenrae. The half-elven rogue twins Vex and Vax are shown butting heads. Vax'ildan shows off his flirtatious side and Vex'ahlia calls in her pet bear Trinket for assistance. Keyleth the half-elven druid is too drunk to fight, and taps out after downing a single ale.

Persuasion attempt failed. Slight-of-hand successful.

The group is unable to pay the tavern and thrown out. Scanlan sings about the group's abilities to Sovereign Uriel Tal'Dorei II in the hopes of being given work. The Tal'Dorei Council advises against it given Vox Machina's ill repute, but Uriel really liked Scanlan's song and is impressed by Vex's pet bear. Vex feels something off about the council, but keeps it to herself. Arcanist Allura Vysoren gives the group a lift via airship to a village on the outskirts of Emon to investigate a mysterious beast causing havoc in the area.


Scanlan's pitch to Uriel: reality vs fantasy.

More of the group dynamic is shown off. Keyleth tries asking the trees for information while Vex and Scanlan question an actual person. Pike fake blesses a home while Vax shows off his sleight-of-hand tricks to children. Impressed with his skills the children talk about hearing a large winged beast through the fog and point the group in the direction of the sound. Trinket picks up a scent trail that leads the group to a blue dragon.

Grog rushes into battle, Percy suggests a retreat, and Keyleth has a panic attack but is shaken out of it by Vex. Mustering up her courage, Keyleth manages to call down a thunder bolt from the sky, striking the electricity-based dragon. The attack does little to harm the beast and only enrages it further - a small reference to Marisha not reading her spell descriptions and accidentally casting spells that hindered the party rather than helping. Riled, the dragon beaks a rock that collapses on the group. Believing the party to be dead, the beast flies away into the night. Vox Machina however, was protected by Keyleth's vines. The party recognizes that they are out of their league and consider abandoning the quest. Percy insists against it, saying their word should mean something and Pike encourages the group to do good for once by assisting the townspeople, much to Percy's displeasure. Vex reveals how a dragon killed her mother and ever since then she has been able to detect the beasts, and believes her earlier ill feelings about the council means there is a dragon hiding amongst them.

The group decides to abandoned the quest without informing the council, but along the way passes through the same village from earlier, now in ruins. The home Pike fake blessed was destroyed and all its inhabitants lie dead, including the children Vax showed off too. Crestfallen, Vox Machina vow to slay the dragon.


Overall, this was an excellent introduction to Vox Machina, their skills, personalities and inter-group dynamics. There were a lot of nods to the tabletop Campaign, like the theme music playing during the bar fight and Scanlan's song mentioning how he can't tell the twins apart; something Sam Riegel often struggled with. The airship was even accurate to Matt's paper cutout in episode 15. Well paced and easily digestible, especially for anyone who may not be familiar with the source material.

Episode 02: The Terror of Tal'Dorei, Part 2

The blue dragon launches an attack on Uriel's troops. General Krieg manages to make it back to Emon to report the incident to the Council at the same time as Vox Machina. Sir Gregory Fince suggests they try to appease the dragon with gifts while Lady Kima and Allura, both former dragon slayer's, advocate for fighting the beast. During the discussions Vex gets bad feelings about Sir Gregory Fince.


"We don't need to know the enemy, we only need to know ourselves." -General Krieg

The group decides to split up. Pike and Vax stop by Gilmore's Glorious Goods to get advice from the owner Shaun, who is sweet on Vax. Meanwhile Scanlan and Grog shadow Fince. Fince leads the two least stealthy members of Vox Machina to a mansion. Scanlan proceeds to try and sing the door lock open, Keyleth tries melting it, and Pike confirms it is a non-magical ordinary lock. Vax eventually picks the lock open and Vox Machina enters what appears to be General Krieg's home.


Vax locates a hidden door in the floor of the mansion that leads to a small library, where they find Fince filching documents. Fince claims that what he is gathering is evidence, but before Fince can say more he is slain by General Krieg. Vex identifies General Krieg as the dragon in human guise, causing Krieg to flee into a back room full of magical items. The party discovers a portal hidden within a painting that leads to the dragon's lair. Inside the lair Keyleth touches four large, obsidian orbs within a rock wall, prompting a giant reptilian eye to appear and call out "Intruders". All four orbs shatter and a fight ensues with Brimscythe - the blue dragon.

Scanlan distracts the creature with illusions while Percy and Keyleth work together to restrain it. Vax follows Gilmore's advice and attacks the neck, allowing Pike and Vex to let loose a holy arrow, bringing the beast down low for Grog. They gather what thy need to prove Brimscythe's death and escape the lair before it collapses. For their heroic deeds, Uriel names Vox Machina protectors of Emon and gifts them their own keep - Grayskull, along with membership in the Council. Uriel also invites the group to a very special dinner event.

Episode two wraps up an abridged version of Critical Role's home sessions, before they starting streaming their tabletop adventures. From here the story transitions smoothly into the Briarwood arc, omitting the group's mishaps in the Underdark with Illithids and Beholders for the sake of brevity and because Tiberius Stormwind - a dragonborn sorcerer, was present for most of it. Tiberius' player quit Critical Role around episode 27 (out of 115) from campaign 1 and his character was left out of the show for copyright reasons.

There were several references to the tabletop sessions in Gilmore's shop, like the triceratops skull (Scanlan would polymorph into dinosaurs), broom (Vex used to fly around), Tusk Love novel (Jester's favorite book) and stuffed weasel (Sprinkles, Jester's pet) from campaign two. There was even a painting signed by Jameson, an artist Scanlan commissioned and a rug depicting the Chroma Conclave (dragon alliance). There was a good amount of character development and flirting this episode: Gilmore flirting with Vax, Vax flirting with Keyleth, Pike saving Scanlan, and Keyleth accidentally ruining moments. One thing I didn't like was the 3D animation trying to look 2D. It is a major peeve of mine and I hate that it was used for Brimscythe. I understand why it was used - a dragon is a complex creature to animate, but the 3d faking 2D almost never looks good. It was also present in the previous episode but was less noticeable there.

Episode 03: The Feast of Realms

Allura visits Vox Machina at their new keep to remind them that the dinner is a formal event during which dignitaries from all over Tal'Dorei will discuss a security pact. Two guests at the banquet, Sylas and Delilah Briarwood, send Percy into a panic. Percy explains to Vox Machina how he was originally a noble from Whitestone until the Briarwood's arrived, killed his family and stole his city. Vax volunteers to spy on the Briarwoods.


At the table, Uriel openly accuses the Briarwoods of keeping people hostage, noting how his messenger never returned and threatens to send troops to Whitestone. Sylas uses mind-control to convince Uriel that all is well. Delilah then proceeds to tell the dinner party guests how the Briarwoods became the caretakers of Whitestone, claiming the De Rolos abdicated. The Briarwood couple then retire for the night and discover Vax snooping through their room. The Briarwood's reveal themselves as vampires to Vax when they use mind-control to stop him from fleeing as they clamp down into his neck.

The bite breaks the charm, allowing Vax to jump from a fourth floor window, nearly dying in the fall. Vox Machina hears the commotion and is quick to the rescue. Pike heals Vax while Grog exchanges blows with Sylas. However, Sylas' healing abilities and blood-devouring obsidian blade give him an edge in the battle. Delilah stops Pike from using her powers further by destroying Pike's amulet of Sarenrae. Keyleth then rushes in to protect Pike from Delilah with a wall of vines. The Briarwoods are forced to call off their attack when the guards arrive, leaving their coachman Desmond behind. Desmond then becomes the target of Percy's ire, loosing several fingers and almost his life had a mind-controlled Uriel not appeared and issued the order for Vox Machina's arrest.


No-Mercy-Percy reveals his inner demons.

A lot of subtle references were featured in this episode. The book Vax finds in the Briarwoods room references a "Whispered One" - Vecna the final boss from Campaign one. There is a moment when the Briarwoods pass by a mirror and only Delilah is seen in the reflection. Vex also uses a fan to cover her mouth when speaking discreetly to the party because she can read lips and is aware that other people may be doing the same. Vax's snake belt Simon was introduced in this episode along with the party's safe word "Jenga".

The show obviously had to make same changes but they were all fairly insubstantial, such as Grog originally attending the dinner with half a beard (he grew one in the tabletop game) and a toga made out of a tapestry, Percy pretending to be Vax, and the dinner originally having been meant to celebrate increased trade brought about by a bridge funded by the Briarwoods. A guest character, Lillith Anioska Daturai - a tiefling wizard played by Kit Buss (the character artist for campaign 1) was left out in order to keep the episode compact. She was disguised as a human servant at the feast and assisted Vox Machina in the Briarwood fight. Vox Machina in turn assisted Lillith in defeating hired mercenaries sent to capture her.

On right: Scanlan's dance at the dinner party is raunchy but not explicit.

Episode 04: Shadows at the Gates

For ruining the banquet, assaulting political allies, and endangering the security of the city, Vox Machina is placed under house arrest. Their weapons are confiscated and they face execution should they try to leave. Guards confine the group to different rooms and take to patrolling the halls of Grayskull.

In the night the Briarwoods send shadows to retrieve the book Vax stole. Keyleth renders the shadows vulnerable to attacks using her ball of light, convincing Guard Captain Jarett Howarth of their innocence. He then allows them to leave for Whitestone on the promise that they deal with the ones responsible for the death of his men. Trinket is left at Grayskull for travel convince and Pike voluntarily stays behind in order to repair her relationship with Sarenrae at the temple.


In stark contrast to the previous episodes this one is dark. The shadows are terrifying in their assault on the keep and it only gets darker from here onward - (shadow video clip).

To streamline things they dropped the group's concerns about Vax turning into a vampire and changed the fight within Grayskull, which originally involved invisible stalkers attacking Desmond in the Grayskull dungeon. Vox Machina had hoped Desmond would clear their name and the team spent considerable time trying to win his trust after Percy traumatized him. Pike staying behind at the temple was a plot device the Critical Role team often used to explain Pike's absence whenever Ashley Johnson couldn't attend a session. Scanlan's magical blue poop in a jar appeared in the background of one scene, which Scanlan would use to scry. Jarett Howarth was originally in the employ of Vox Machina as the captain of the guard at Greyskull Keep. The show upgraded his status to captain of the Arms of Emon.

Episode 05: Fate's Journey

Half of the party buys wooden stakes, fire arrows, and holy water from Gilmore's Glorious Goods, while the other half steal a horse and carriage for the journey. During the trip, Keyleth uses knowledge she gained from her aramenté (pilgrimage) to translate some of the Briarwood's book detailing the construction of a ziggurat used to communicate with the gods. Along the way they are attacked by zombie dogs (resembling dirlagraun) that steal the book and return it to the Briarwoods. The horses, holy water, stakes and arrows are lost in the scuffle. In the tabletop game they were attacked by a behir (not sent by the Briarwoods) and their items were used up in a fight with a banshee; the horses were devoured by harpies.


Vox Machina sets up camp for the night, during which Scanlan learns to polymorph. Gathered around the fire, they share stories about their craziest kills - all of which happened during the tabletop sessions but likley couldn't be fit into the animated series anywhere else:

• Keyleth pushed a duergar into lava, forming a carbonite shell over him.
• Vax was on the receiving end of a rakshasa's grudge.
• Grog ripped the tongue out of a bulette using just his teeth.
• Scanlan's involved a two headed monster.
• Vex and Percy stay quiet; their greatest kills are upcoming.


The rakshasa once impersonated Gilmore and talked Vax into wearing a cloak (unbeknownst to him) that slowly tears the skin off its wearer.

In the morning, the group enters Whitestone to find the place decimated. Guards and zombie stone giants patrol the streets. Seven bodies dressed to look like Vox Machina hang from the Sun Tree - a sacred plant in the town square created by the god Pelor.


The Briarwoods welcome Vox Machina to Whitestone.

Once again, the show has been masterful with subtle character development and nods to the tabletop group, such as Vex's haggling (she is a penny-pincher) and sleeping with her brother's cloak. Vex often stole her brother's clothes, although Vax was quite the doting brother and may have given it up willingly. The best kills scene was a good way to reference Kraghammer and the Vasselheim Slayers Take guild, which featured before the Briarwood arc and likley won't be included in the animated series. Four guest characters were introduced through the Slayers Take: Lyra the human wizard (played by Felicia Day), Thorbir Falbek the dwarven fighter (played by Wil Wheaton), Kashaw Vesh the human cleric (played by Will Friedle), and Zahra Hydris the tiefling warlock and Lillith Daturai's cousin (played by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn). Kashaw and Zahra become recurring guests that would show up for most of Vox Machina's major battles, including the final one.

Episode 06: Spark of Rebellion

A resistance movement using the De Rolo crest mistake Percy for a member and take him to Keeper Yennen, the head priest of Erathis in Whitestone. Yennen convinces the party to rescue the resistance leader Archibald Desnay from execution, who Percy locates using the scope on Bad News (a unique firearm). The party splits up into two teams: back door and front door. The back door team consisting of Percy, Vax and a beret-wearing Scanlan struggle to unlock a door. After several failed attempts and an injured hand, they find their way in and meet up with the 'front door team' and members of the resistance.

Three people in the crowd are missing eyes. Delilah has three eyes in her chest.

They break Archibald out of his cell, only to be confronted by Sir Kerrion Stonefell - the captain of the guard for the Briarwoods, and his men. The death of a resistance member in the fight spurs Keyleth to take on her lynx/saber-cat form. Percy exacts his vengeance on Kerrion and is informed that his sister Cassandra still lives.


Percy's demon uses the gun to track the souls still owed to it.

Once again the show has been very faithful to the source material, minus a few necessary changes. The scene with Vax, Scanlan, and Percy trying to open a door was originally their attempt at getting into the temple to meet with keeper Yennen. They had to use a sword, three spells, and summon a being from another plane to finally get it open. The group used dirty peasant disguises to go undercover at The Journey's End tavern, which may have appeared as one of the ruined buildings in the show. I was so disappointed to see the peasant disguises get the chopping block. I was especially fond of Vex's peasant disguise - a hunched-back old woman with two crazy eyes. The group also stormed Kerrion's house with the illusion on, during which Keyleth transformed into a wolf and bit an archer. From Kerrion and his archer's point of view, this dirty peasant woman just got down on all fours, ran at them and bit their arms. Percy also pretended to be an abusive father dealing with a bad harvest, and Scanlan was his poor son.

Episode 07: Scanbo

The episode starts out with a young Percy and Cassandra attending Professor Byron Anders class on whitestone (the rock), during which he explains how it is refined into a green glass-like substance with arcane energy called residuum. It is made clear that Anders resents the De Rolos for being privileged and not supporting his projects. During the present time, an adult Percy explains to Vox Machina how he came into possession of The List (his gun). Overcome with a desire for revenge after the Briarwoods betrayal, he struck a deal with a demon named Orthax who provided him with the plans for the gun, and in exchange every soul killed with The List belongs to Orthax.

During the group's talks to save Cassandra, Keyleth notices something off about the Sun Tree and while attempting to revive it discovers that the Briarwoods are not only draining the life-force from the people of Whitestone, but also from the very land itself. Keyleth accidentally sets the Sun Tree on fire, nearly giving away the resistance moment's location. Spurred on by the group's mockery of his small size, Scanlan volunteers to create a distraction by taking down Duke Goran Vedmire (a goliath) all by himself. Scanlan distracts the guards with sound and then sneaks into the mansion through an open window, coming face to face with Goran Vedmire. Scanlan uses his potions (blink, reduce, & fire breath) to get around the mansion before transforming into a triceratops. He makes his way to the roof for a one on one showdown with the goliath, using his d**k lightning to defeat Goran.

As soon as Vox Machina see the the mansion fire they storm Ander's home. Grog takes out a line of archers while Percy looks for Cassandra, finding her with Byron Anders who proceeds to slice open her throat.


Originally Scanlan used bigby's hand to knock the goliath off the slick roof.

At the tabletop Scanlan got into the mansion undetected and then took everyone by surprise with his dinosaur form. He used smelly gas clouds to hide and dimension door to escape to the roof, where he then used the fire breath potion to set the building ablaze. The group stormed Count Tylieri's mansion (not Anders) before looking for Cassandra in Whitestone Castle. Considering Tylieri was a minor vampire NPC killed by Trinket, not much was lost by leaving him out of the animated series.

Episode 08: A Silver Tongue

Percy engages Anders in combat while Keyleth and Vax tend to the dying Cassandra. Anders awakens helmed horrors to attack Percy just as the rest of Vox Machina arrives. His helmed horrors defeated, Anders uses his (literal) silver tongue to dominate Grog's mind, turning him against the rest of Vox Machina. Percy manages to stop Anders by shooting out his tongue then his brains.


Some believe the blank barrel on The List is for Percy. However, Matt and Taliesin have both stated that the cycle of vengeance is never ending. Once complete, a new list of names would have appeared.

The group discovers a star chart in Anders office, tracking the next solstice only five days away. Keyleth rallies the common people by opening up the sky in the shape of the De Rolo crest. Annoyed by their interference, Lady Briarwood summons an undead hoard to Whitestone.

Only minor changes were made compared to the tabletop adventure, namely the throat slit being real instead of an illusion created by Anders and the group cutting out his tongue instead of his eyes. Master Vouk Strono did not appear in the animated series, although the Anders tongue cutting scene may have been a slight reference to when Vouk (one of Stonefell's men) had his tongue ripped out by Grog so that he couldn't speak. Percy's torture of Vouk is also what initially unsettled the group. A collection of letters written in the hand of Lord Riskel Daxio (a Tal'Dorei council member) that described the Briarwoods' machinations was left out of the show because Vox Machina ultimately did not need it to clear their name.

Episode 09: The Tide of Bone

A flashback reveals Lady Briarwood used necromancy supplied to her by Vecna to turn her husband into a vampire in order to save him from an incurable illness. In exchange, the Briarwoods agreed to serve Vecna. During the present, Vox Machina meets up with the resistance group in a crumbling tavern called The Crass Sailor - a nod to the tavern from Sam's one-shot.

A zombie bites Scanlan's arm inflicting necrotic damage. Percy downs a zombie stone giant with Bad News, but two more arrive and Archibald Desnay is sliced in two by Goran Vedmire. Percy wounds Goran, allowing the common folk oppressed under his rule to finish him off. As the undead hordes close in, Pike has her connection with Sarenrae restored and astral projects herself to Vox Machina's location, dealing massive holy damage to the horde. Emboldened by what they perceive as a sign from Pelor the Dawnfather (who is allied with Sarenrae), the townspeople rise up en masse.

Vax confesses his love to Keyleth and Vox Machina infiltrates Whitestone castle through a hidden entrance in the dungeon. In one cell they discover Dr. Anna Ripley, who had tortured Percy in the past and copied his firearm designs. During the ending credits Scanlan sings about Pike.


All-in-all very faithful to the source material. The only change was with Archibald Desnay (originally an elderly man) and Goran Vedmire, both of whom survived the Briarwood arc. Goran Vedmire was spared by Vox Machina and allowed to continue living in Whitestone under the condition that he serve the community as penance for his crimes against the people. Vox Machina and the citizens of Whitestone forgiving Goran fits better thematically with Percy's struggle against a demon of vengeance, but for the sake of a show with a limited runtime, it makes sense for them to cut as many unnecessary minor characters as possible.

Episode 10: Depths of Deceit

Cassandra talks Percy into sparing Ripley's life, arguing that she may know something about the Briarwood motives. Ripley then proceeds to explain how she sided with the Briarwoods in exchange for funding, but when her experiments were completed they threw her away. In exchange for her life, Ripley agrees to lead the group to the Briarwoods who are in the process of performing a ritual at the underground ziggurat. On the way to the ziggurat, Vox Machina passes through a room used to refine large amounts of residuum. Cassandra tells Percy how much she resents him for leaving her behind all those years ago and then seals the group in the room with Ripley. Cassandra leaves with the Briarwoods and a charmed-Vax (who managed to dodge the containment wall).

Keyleth accidentally bursts the pipes, causing the room to fill with acid faster. Scanlan uses his bigby's hand to keep the group off the ground while Percy attempts to shut the device off. Grog voluntarily jumps into the acid below to reach one of three switches that will open the doors, and Pike heals everyone afterwards.

There isn't a lot to say about this one. Like all the other episodes it is very faithful to the source material minus a few small alterations, such as Anna Ripley disguising herself as an old two-handed lady named Gloria Cyn. Vox Machina became suspicious of her when they realized one of her hands wasn't really there. The group also used magical earrings like cellphones to communicate with each other.

Episode 11: Whispers at the Ziggurat

Scanlan has an epiphany, remembering that the barriers between planes are thinnest during the solstice and the ziggurat detailed in the Briarwood book mentions a "Whispered One" - an undead entity that wants to return to the material plane. A fight ensues at the ziggurat and Ripley seizes the opportunity to escape. Percy fights Cassandra, Vex fights Vax, and Keyleth beseeches the Sun Tree for aid while Scanlan, Grog, and Pike battle Delilah and Sylas.

Sylas is slain, causing a distraught Delilah to blast a hole through Keyleth. Delilah starts the ritual early, demanding that Vecna bring Sylas back. The premature initiation of the ritual causes it to fail, leaving behind a floating dark sphere that negates all magic in the area. Like a black hole, anything that gets near the dark sphere is sucked in.
Many of the character lines are taken word-for-word from the tabletop game, and aside from Ripley giving Vox Machina the slip during their battle with the Briarwoods instead of during the fight with Professor Anders, not much was changed. The animated series really drives home, more-so in this episode than any other, how much of a punching bag Grog is. He repeatedly takes damage from friend and foe alike, but has just kind of accepted it. Keyleth was actually the last Vox Machina party member to die; in episode 97 she killed herself by jumping off a cliff, transforming into a goldfish (instead of a bird) and taking impact damage from the jagged rocks.

Episode 12: The Darkness Within

Vox Machina heals Keyleth and Grog takes Craven Edge (Sylas' weapon) for himself. Percy battles his inner-demon Orthax and wins by forgiving the Briarwoods. However, Cassandra slays Delilah, saying that Percy may have forgiven her but she hasn't. To ensure Orthax couldn't return, Scanlan steals The List and dissolves it in acid along with Delilah's body. The group leaves Cassandra in charge of Whitestone so that they may return to Emon (via tree stride - plant portal) to clear their names.

"The Whispered One will finish what we began. When he returns, cities will fall and titans will rise." -Delilah
Back at Grayskull Keep, Percy works on the gun he confiscated from Ripley (called Retort) and builds a magical gauntlet (Diplomacy). Keyleth starts a garden, Grog repairs the doors, and Scanlan records their adventures in song. Uriel, now free from Sylas' charms, makes a public announcement naming Vox Machina as heroes. During the same speech he also announces his relinquishment of the throne; the empire of Tal'Dorei will become a republic. In that moment, four dragons appear on the horizon and descend upon Emon.
The "Cinder King", "Diseased Deceiver", "Hope Devourer", and "Frigid Doom" arrive.

Final Thoughts

The animated series adapted the tabletop game very well and even managed to integrate the numerous running gags of campaign one without them being too clearly just a reference. Scanlan using a golden shower (running water) to kill a vampire was left out but other mini-adventures and one-shots, like when the party turned into cows to chase after a Roc, where at least referenced in the background. I was a little sad to see Matt Mercer didn't voice Gilmore, but he did at least voice Orthax and Trinket - so in a way Matt was with the Vox Machina party in a spiritual sense. Mercer also had a self-npc appear in the background of every episode.

I am looking forward to season two, which should jump right into the Chroma Conclave arc judging by the season finale. Given how well the show is doing I wouldn't be surprised to hear a season three announcement; the Vecna arc and campaign conclusion.

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